Thursday, July 27, 2006

blame spkrbryan

so, i was reading through my normal list of daily spanking blogs...and whew, there are a few of them...and i came across it's a wonderful blog with some great pics. Anyway, part of a series he posted is campspank from the burning man gathering in the midwest. Looks like fun, you just go and do what you wanna do fo ra week. Apparently, people divide up into groups and you can meander through and find what you want. One such group during a gathering was camp spank made up by a guy who made a sign and a paddle before going....

So, random people would come by for a few swats adn a pic with the sign. I think this is a wonderful idea. just thought i'd share some of the pics with everyone :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i don't get the hand over mouth pose

I just don't get why girls just naturally put their hand over their mouth in that "OOoooo" look when they are posing or getting a spanking. Is it ingrained in the DNA?

Monday, July 24, 2006

i swear...

i think all girls are closet spankos of some form or another. I used to think it was just sorority girls, but everywhere i go, there are spanking references all around.

anyway, just a couple chicas at a party

Saturday, July 22, 2006


so, aunty agony posted some mouthsoaping pics and i simply loved them, as did many others...

however, i haven't come across many in my in
ternet travels, so i was HOPING one of my loyal readers would have a stash of such images. I would be more than happy to give credit and post the images :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


first you hold her down and spank her soundly


Then you yank her pants down to check the red cheeks :)

Actually, i believe all bday spankings must be given on an exposed bum, but this is a close second :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The 2nd girl from the left...certainly knows how to present a well proportioned bum for her big sis to whack

I just love it when a group of girls line up and await the paddle.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

chi omega at it again

Seriously, what is it with chi omegas. I see more pics of them wailing on each other than any other sorority.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

i want to work for this office

the title of this one is 'officeparty1.jpg' and when i see it, all I can think of is, "I want to work for this office...oh god, please let me work for this place..."

Gotta try them out first

sexy sorority girls trying out alternative implements while on a shopping spree. What is the purpose of buying a trendy belt if you cannot use it to wail upon a hapless li'l sis.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I tell ya....I don't remember my fraternity parties being like this...You take a bunch of guys, you take a large frat paddle...and your poor helpless unsuspecting girl...

and you whack away...from just looking on the net, i'd think every frat party was like this...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

screaming chicas

I just love the enthusiasm of the girl in the background.
i think she's starting a chant: "harder...harder...harder..."

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Chi O's are so funny...They will use any excuse to paddle their sisters..

I can see it of girls bowling and when a strike is made..a 'strike' is made...

how fun

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I think all sorority girls are spanko's

just look at the huge smiles on these people. i really think they all enjoy bending over for swats...

that's my story and i'm sticking to it

never knew sorority sisters were that inventive....

I didn't know sorority sisters would ever get that innovative for positions on how to paddle their sisters...

I actually think this is the only diaper positioned paddling i've seen from a sorority...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Somebody's gonna get it...

I just love thow the seated girl is presenting the bottom to the spanker...and how the spanker has a firm grip on the situation...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I don't think this is just a posed picture

I don't know why, but i don't think they just posed for this pic..
I'd bet a good time was had by most

Monday, July 03, 2006

a saucy look like that....

DEFINITELY...deserves the paddle....

Hope she enjoys it

There is a reason why i love this pic

I dated a tri-sigma once and thinking of her being held down and paddled hard just makes me soo happy...

not that i'm bitter about how she cheated on me...with the entire office....but yea..thinking about her getting paddled by all her sisters just brings a smile to my heart.

ok, maybe not, i think she enjoys it too much.

For the record, however, I know many WONDERFUL tri-sigmas and they will always hold a warm place in my heart.

And a special thank you goes out to Angelbrat for mentioning me in her blog :) She always has the best stories.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Katie Spades is amazing :)

click here
Katie Spades' new blog is just...breathtaking. She's cute, funny, and can take one hell of a spanking. Fully recommended reading on a daily basis. I think i found out her site first from Aunty Agony, but I can't remember if I saw it on yahoo's groups or whatever, but either way, i'm sharing it here and I hope you enjoy it as much as i do. Apparently, she was in a sorority as well and on both sides of the paddle..i just don't have any pics of that...yet :)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Scary's pledge night...and you are walking around and you see this pic...And you know they are just warming up for ya. be alive

And of gotta use your paddle

apparently, you're never safe

Just proof that you're never safe in a skirt when you have a cute butt and there is another girl around...